Monday, February 2, 2015

Something about week 4 of my CSC148 Journy: Assignment and recursion

Last week was a busy one. In week 4, the first assignment of CSC148 due, and this has taught me a lot.

First, I realized the difference between CSC148 and CSC108. CSC108 is just real basic fundamental, while 148 is about computer ‘science’. In this assignment, we were asked to design a program of a simple game, subtract square. The real difficulty is, we were required to design 5 classes, to become a program. This really helps me to understand and make use of what I’ve been learn in the CSC148 lectures.

From the assignment, I realized several things about the course. First, team work is really important. At the beginning of the project, my partners and I divided the work into parts, working alone, and tried to combine the separated fragments. Then we found it was totally impossible. This is because we have a different view on the assignment, and have our own design on the program. It became really hard for use to assemble the individual pieces. After several trials, we finally started to design the program together, and work on it together. Well, it worked after all.

Another thing is that I found the drop in center real useful and helpful. With the help of the TA, we became confident about our design, and the progress was finally pushed forward.

In lectures, I learnt a new stuff called recursion, which is a process that a program calls itself. Prof. Heap showed us how to deal with complex lists with recursion. It was not hard to understand, but I still need some time to get through it.  

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